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Whether you run your own small business or are a self-employed freelancer all entrepreneurs have something in common. They want their business to thrive, it needs to be a success. Of course, there is a lot that goes into running a business and there is no one thing you can do one day to make it an overnight success. You will need to put the hours into all the different facets of your company, especially in its infancy. That said, there is one huge factor that should take precedence over all other aspects of your business. One that is surprisingly overlooked by many entrepreneurs and that languishes behind when it comes to business operations. 

What is the big secret? The key to making your business thrive? Well, it is perhaps a little more simple than you might think. The secret, offering excellent customer service.

What is customer service?

Before you can go about planning how best to offer stellar customer service you need to ensure you fully understand what is meant by the term customer service. Importantly customer service is not just applicable to retail businesses, and this is where many businesses go wrong. If you offer any kind of service be it retail, graphic design, hairdressing or online mentoring, whatever it may be, customer service is applicable to you and you can ill afford to overlook it. 

Customer service can be defined simply as the support you offer your customers, both before and after they buy or use your services. Customer service will help your customers have an easy and enjoyable experience of your business. Customer service also involves following best practices that leave your customers feeling valued and leaves your business looking knowledgeable, pleasant and caring. Meeting expectations is one thing but to really thrive and stand the test of time your business should exceed customer service expectations. 

Why is it so important?

You might be asking yourself why offering exceedingly good customer service is so important? If you have managed to attract customers or clients and they have spent money with your business then surely that is job done? Wrong, and here is why. 

  1. Customer service will affect profitability. Once you have put the hard work into gaining new customers why would you let them just walk away? It is easier (and cheaper) to retain existing customers than it is to find new ones. By prioritising customer service it will ensure that you attract and retain loyal customers, which will have a big impact on your company’s bottom line. What is more, customers are willing to pay more for a better experience. Customers want to know that they are in good hands and that their money is being well spent on trusted businesses. Offering stellar customer service is the only real way to achieve this. You may even uncover an opportunity for further profitability. If your business model lends itself then you could offer premium support services at a premium rate.

    Similarly, if your customers walk away disgruntled about the service they received they will share their experiences. They might just share this with a handful of friends or they could take to social media and share it with a much wider audience. The last thing your company accounts need is a downturn in business as a result of the lack of customer service you offered. Your product or service could be the best in the world but if it is poorly packaged and offered to the public this too will affect your bottom line.  
  2. Your reputation is at stake. As briefly touched upon, customers are more ready and willing than ever to take their views online. Customers can reach a large audience via social media or review sites in a matter of minutes so you want to ensure that any feedback you receive is positive. Your business reputation quite literally depends on it.

    Remember, good customer service can do a lot for a poor product but bad customer service will undo any good your product or service has to offer. 

How to offer the best customer service

So now you know the unparalleled importance of offering good customer service you need to know how to offer it. Here are some of the best tried and tested ways to provide unbeatable customer service. 

Be an expert 

You will need to be an expert in the product or service you offer. Your expertise will be an essential customer service skill. You will need to be able to discuss your product or service in detail and with confidence. You too should believe in the viability and worth of your product and understand how and why your product or service will benefit your customers. Importantly, you should also understand how to address matters if things are not quite going to plan and seek to provide a resolution. 

Be a good listener 

If a customer or client is contacting you with a problem or complaint the very first, and best, thing you need to do is listen. A customer will want to feel heard and as though you take their complaint seriously and you can only do this by listening to what they have to say. Do not interrupt or assume to know the issue before it has been communicated to you. Sit back and take on board everything they have to say. Try to show understanding of their issues and ask them what resolution they are hoping for.  

Be a problem solver

Once you have taken the time to listen to your customers or clients then it is important that you put an equal amount of effort into problem-solving. Start by asking what resolution your customers would like to achieve and consider whether this is doable. Alternatively, customers will be impressed by your creativity and willingness to solve their problems. Do not be afraid to think outside of the box and offer solutions that you know will impress. By going above and beyond for your customers not only will you be offering them a positive experience of your business you are laying the foundations for repeat customers and building a strong reputation. 

Be responsive

Customers and clients today want instant gratification and as a result of the instantaneous communication users enjoy the world over, this is expected. People value their time more than ever and they do not want to be spending hours on hold trying to resolve an issue or waiting for weeks, or even days, to receive a response to their latest email. Speed is of the essence when it comes to customer service, regardless of the time of day. A great way to respond to customers at any hour is to use live chat for website software or chatbot messaging tools. This allows you to communicate to the customer instantly and offer reassurance that their issues are being addressed. 

While speed is a priority, it is not to say you have to resolve their complaint or query within a matter of minutes, simply respond to them. Where a matter is complex do not be afraid to take the time to resolve it fully, just be sure to communicate this with your customers and clients at all stages. 

Be true to your word

Once you have agreed on a course of action with your customers and you promise something then you must be sure to be true to your word and deliver on your promises. If you let your customers down it will affect the respect and trust your customers have in you and your business. It can be as simple as saying you will get back to your customers in 24 hours and if you don’t it could affect business relations. Of course some things happen beyond your control and if there was a genuine reason that you could not keep your word, such as a missing delivery then offer up something to make up for it. Perhaps replace the missing delivery free of charge. It may come at a cost to you and your business but it is an expense  that will be worth paying in the long run. 

Be happy

Nobody likes talking to or dealing with someone in a bad mood. Bad moods are contagious and speaking with someone who is grumpy or difficult to talk with will have a knock-on effect on your customer’s mood. Attitude is everything and importantly a positive attitude is paramount when providing customer service. 

The tone of voice can often get lost in written communication and it can be open to misinterpretation so to avoid this don’t be afraid to call customers instead of emailing them. If written communication is unavoidable then consider ways in which you can convey warmth in your writing. Add a bit of humour, ask questions regarding their wellbeing and even use an emoji or two if the circumstances are right.

Having a fun and happy disposition will portray the very best of your business and is a great way to leave customers with a positive experience of your business.