Emma Maslin

  • Things To Think About When Buying A Home

    This is a collaborative post. For the vast majority of people, buying a home is one of the most significant purchases they will make in their lifetime, if not the most significant. Not only do you have to make sure that you choose the right house or flat in the right area and that it […]

  • What Makes Cars So Expensive?

    This is a collaborative post. We all know cars are expensive – there’s no doubt about how the newer models being released on the market can cost you upwards of £20,000 to buy outright. But who exactly would fork out that much money for a vehicle that’s going to lose its value as soon as […]

  • A Simple 6-Step Guide on Starting Your Own Home Business

    This is a collaborative post. Becoming an entrepreneur and starting your own business isn’t as difficult as you might think. In fact, the biggest obstacle to overcome is your own doubt. Many people find themselves afraid of the idea. It can seem daunting to start your own business and it’s extremely involved. However, once you […]

  • You Needn’t Face The Financial Journey Alone

    Keeping your finances in good order isn’t always easy, especially when wanting to make major commitments. However, contrary to what you probably feel, support is available. It’s not going to come to you, though. Instead, you’ll have to reach out for the best helping hands. So, which situations demand the most help and where can […]

  • Six Tips For Buying Your First Home

    This is a collaborative post.  Buying your first home can be incredibly exciting. However, like all big purchases that you make in life, you want to be clued up and knowledgeable in how it works. As this might be your first home, you are going to be somewhat unaware of how the process works and […]

  • Save Money When Making the UK Your Home

    Moving to the UK from overseas can be a huge task, no matter where you’re coming from. When the move itself could be expensive, you don’t also want to find yourself paying lots of extra costs when you arrive. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to save if you’re trying to live on a budget […]