Emma Maslin

  • How to Get Rid of Debt Once and For All

    This is a collaborative post. Being in debt can be stressful for us all. So it’s often a good idea to try and get rid of it once and for all. Debt is credit that you borrow from a lender and use to buy something or pay for an expense. When you don’t have enough […]

  • Do You Truly Know What You’re Investing In?

    This is a collaborative post.  It’s important that you have a good understanding of what you’re investing in – otherwise you may as well be gambling. Whether it’s stocks or property, you should take the time to truly assess what it is you’re putting your money into. Below are some important tips for knowing what […]

  • 4 Ways a Lawyer can Save You Money

    This is a collaborative post.  Lawyers are often thought of as expensive, but that doesn’t have to be the case. In fact, there are many ways a lawyer can save you money. From reviewing contracts to helping with estate planning, lawyers can help you get your finances in order and protect your assets. This blog […]

  • How To Ensure You Have The Best Human Resources Department

    This is a collaborative post.  There’s no question that a well-run human resources department is key to the success of any business. But what are the steps you need to take to ensure that your HR department is as effective as possible? The following blog will discuss some essential tips for creating an HR department […]

  • How Do You Know Your Business Is On The Right Track?

    This is a collaborative post.  You want to make sure that your business is always moving, always growing, and always using the momentum of past successes to drive future ones. But how do you know when you’re moving in the right direction and not simply treading water or even focusing on the wrong things? You […]