Emma Maslin

  • Options to Consider when Struggling Financially

    This is a collaborative post. One of the lasting effects the Covid-19 pandemic has had on the world is the massive toll it has had on individuals and businesses’ finances. During the multiple lockdowns imposed by governments globally, thousands of companies had to close up shop and wait their turn to open their doors again, […]

  • How To Fund A Sabbatical

    This is a collaborative post.  A sabbatical is an extended period of time away (usually from work) where you can rest or pursue your interests. Most people think of them as something that academics or highly paid professionals do, but that isn’t always the case. If you plan far enough in advance, you could enjoy […]

  • 4 Passive / Semi-Passive Income Ideas

    This is a collaborative post.  Important information: The information in this article is not a personal recommendation for any particular investment. If you are unsure about the suitability of an investment you should speak to an authorised financial adviser. Please also be aware that the value of investments can go down as well as up, […]

  • 5 Key Life Situations Where It Pays To Get Expert Help

    This is a collaborative post.  Let’s face it; there’s no greater source of frustration than paying money for a service only to realise you could have done it yourself. Sadly, in today’s social climate, there are so-called experts in virtually every aspect of life but they aren’t always suitably qualified to warrant you paying for […]

  • Are You Ready To Become A Property Investor?

    This is a collaborative post. Purchasing an investment property can be a thrilling and profitable endeavour. However, this venture, if hurried into, will backfire if the investor isn’t in the right position. If it has been something that you have considered, but you aren’t sure about, here are three indicators that you might just be […]

  • 5 Important Things to Consider Before Purchasing a New Car

    This is a collaborative post. There are several options available for a person who wants to purchase a new car. Regardless of your preferred model or the budget you have allocated, deciding which car to purchase can be overwhelming. The following are some helpful tips you should consider before purchasing a new car. Review Your […]