
  • #FoodBankAdvent – Charitable Giving Over Christmas


    As soon as the Halloween decorations go back up to the loft in our house, I know that I can start thinking about Christmas soon. Don’t shout me down just yet – each to their own! I am just a huge Christmas-time lover; I love the build-up and the magic of the festive season…. This […]

  • What Happens If I Die Without A Will?

    what happens if i die without a will

    Death and writing a will are not things I think about on a regular basis. Luckily. But it amazes me when I read requests for will writing recommendations on parenting forums. Mainly because these requests appear frequently. If you are a parent, well if you are anyone but especially so if you are a parent, […]

  • ‘Shop Small’, Support Local Retailers And Benefit From Money Back

    shop small

    Today is Small Business Saturday. Launched in 2010, it has grown from a grass-roots campaign encouraging consumers to ‘shop local’, into an annual event that has reached millions and raises awareness of the crucial importance of small businesses. What started as a single day in the US in 2011 has grown in to a great success story. […]

  • Investing Basics : The Difference Between Saving and Investing

    difference between investing and saving

    Investing Basics Series: The Difference Between Saving and Investing In this ‘Investing Basics’ Series, rather than jumping in at the deep end, I am focusing on simple topics and generating discussion around them, to help frame an understanding of WHY investing is so important.  Today I am talking about the difference between saving and investing. […]

  • 6 Ways To Reduce Your Christmas Spending

    ways to reduce christmas spending

    The Christmas decorations are in full swing in the shops and it won’t be long before the tunes are blaring out too I imagine. This week I thought I would pull together my top tips to help reduce Christmas spending. After all, we want to enjoy the festive season but come out the other side on […]