Emma Maslin

  • The Key To Creating A Fulfilling Career

      We all spend so many years working. Whether you get your first job as an early teen or in your twenties, you’ll often spend the best part of forty (or even fifty) years working. And so, it’s not unreasonable to want to enjoy it, is it? Yet, we sometimes feel like work should be […]

  • What Does A Financial Coach Do?

    What does a financial coach do?

    Financial coaching is becoming more widely acknowledged. Certainly since I have started working in this area, I have seen a steady increase in its popularity. This is great news as I believe that we as money coaches have the power to transform not only our immediate clients’ lives, but society in general, as a result […]

  • What You Need to Know Before Getting a Second Mortgage

    If you’ve owned your home for a while and have not refinanced, you may have a lot of equity wrapped up in your home. Equity is the difference between what you owe on your home and its current value. A second mortgage can help you leverage the equity in your home by borrowing against your […]