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How many times have you told yourself, “This is the month that I start saving?” How many times have you thought about all the ways you could improve your finances, but never implemented them? How many times have you dreamed of getting your dream job and being satisfied with where you are in your financial and career situation?

Probably a lot, like many of us. Instead of keeping up this pattern and waiting for the new year to become a new you, start planning for 2020 now. You’ll have enough time to prepare for the next phase of your life, and not be overwhelmed by all the changes you have to make.


Making a budget is the most important step to your financial freedom. Of course you would love to get to the point where you don’t have to stress about your spending, but until that happens it’s crucial to limit your spending based on your expenses and income.

Start by looking at your paychecks and financial statements. Write down how much income you get each month, and subtract your bills from that amount. This includes rent, car payment and insurance, phone bill, electric, etc. Anything that you have to pay each month belongs in this category. Whatever is left from this amount is your “spending money.”

Get to know your spending habits and look at where you can improve. Do you buy new clothes every other weekend? Are you going out for happy hour after work too often? Are you spending too much on groceries? See what you can cut out, what you can live without, and what you can’t.

Lastly, part of your budget should include investing into a savings account. Just because you have an extra £500/month to spend, doesn’t mean you should. Having financial freedom means not being setback if you have an emergency expense, so it’s always good to be prepared. It also means planning for your future family, house, or vacation.


Happiness comes from more than having a great job, but the place you spend the majority of your days should be a good environment where you feel fulfilled. It’s even more of a bonus if you’re making an amount of money that allows you to be comfortable and self-supportive. If you’re not in a position like that now, it may be time to start thinking about steps you can take to get there.

  • If you’ve already earned a degree or have training for the field you’re in, then start looking at positions at other companies.
  • If your skills and experience match higher paying jobs but you like your current company, consider asking them for a raise.
  • If you’re excited at the idea of working somewhere new, update your CV and portfolio, and start applying to worthwhile positions.

It’s possible you’re not satisfied with any aspect of your job and want an entirely new career. If so, look into foundation degree courses to give you a leg up in the industry you’re interested in. These degrees combine academic and vocational experience, so you’ll still be able to work while advancing your education and career prospects. This degree will also help you land a better job, so your time and money will be well spent towards improving your future.

Now that you’re leveling up your life, you probably already feel some relief and hope for the future. Remember what your goals are, and you’ll be closer to financial freedom sooner than you think.