
  • Investing : a woman’s perspective with Faith Archer

    Faith Archer - lets get women interested in investing

    Welcome to the first profile in my ‘Investing : a woman’s perspective’ series designed to get ordinary women interested in investing. Last week I wrote about my frustrations with how men and women are spoken to about money in the media. I hope that by sharing stories from ordinary women across various walks of life […]

  • Women are better than men in most things… including this!

    women are better than men at investing

    When I started The Money Whisperer, I decided I didn’t want to write just for women because money matters are relevant to everyone. We are a modern household and I see everything from household expenses through to investment choices as decisions we are both involved in. For me, money is genderless. However, since immersing myself […]

  • 6 Tips To Make Money As A Freelance Writer

    Typewriter - freelance writing

    Today’s article is a wonderfully written guest piece on tips to make money as a freelance writer, from Ruth Hinds who blogs at RuthMakesMoney.com. Ruth has been self-employed for over seven years, and loves helping people to create online income streams so they can ditch their jobs for good, or even just earn enough cash to pay […]