Emma Maslin

  • No Income And No Savings : What Should I Do To Survive?

    No Income And No Savings : What Should I Do To Survive?

    Yesterday I posted the graphic above on my Facebook and Instagram channels. The quadrants represent four possible situations you could be in right now with your finances. Income and savings Income but no savings No income but savings No income or savings I’m starting this short mini series tackling each of these quadrants in turn. […]

  • Invest for your ‘Moments That Matter’

    moments that matter

    Important information: The information in this article is not a personal recommendation for any particular investment. If you are unsure about the suitability of an investment you should speak to an authorised financial adviser. Please also be aware that the value of investments can go down as well as up, and you may get back […]

  • Tips for Running a Small Business Successfully

    Are you planning on making a profession out of your passion? Every entrepreneur looks forward to a profitable business. Unfortunately, only a few are lucky enough to achieve this. From managing the business to marketing your products, entrepreneurship can be both fascinating and overwhelming.  It is an activity that is so unpredictable, and no two […]

  • Why Failure Is Never Failure, Just Learning

    Why Failure Is Never Failure, Just Learning

    I haven’t written a blog post for a while. You may have seen on my social media channels that I am planning to start a podcast soon so that, and working with my money coaching clients, has been keeping me busy. Lots of exciting things going on in The Money Whisperer world but I wanted […]

  • [AD] Automatic bank skimming with Chip

    free £10 with chip

    Skimming money from your current account into a separate account is a great way to build up a pot of cash. Doing it manually means logging in to your online banking, remembering what bills you have coming up so you don’t skim too much, and getting into the habit of skimming regularly. I’ve talked a […]