Emma Maslin

  • Win one of 5 Virginia Hayward The Magic of Christmas Hampers

    The Halloween decorations are packed away so it’s only fitting that we can start talking about the C word! Christmas! I’m actually nowhere near as prepared as I usually am by the beginning of November when it comes to Christmas. But I have pulled out my Christmas Planner and I’m starting to ramp up my […]

  • Save Money By Choosing the Right Tyres

    Buying the right sort of tyres for your car is not simply about compatibility and roadworthiness – it is about saving money, too. If you buy tyres which fit but which are not perfect for your vehicle, then you can be throwing money down the drain. Few drivers don’t worry about the expenses associated with […]

  • Plan 2020: Your Year Toward Financial Freedom

    How many times have you told yourself, “This is the month that I start saving?” How many times have you thought about all the ways you could improve your finances, but never implemented them? How many times have you dreamed of getting your dream job and being satisfied with where you are in your financial […]

  • Future Proof Your Home With these 4 Steps

    When you are raising a young family, it is important to consider your future. This is particularly true when it comes to your home. It should be the perfect place for you, and your family, to enjoy even if you are thinking about whether to sell your home in the future. Whether you are buying, […]

  • Five Frugal Things – 10th May 2019

    5 frugal things

    It’s been a while since I’ve written a five frugal things blog so I thought why not this week as I have plenty to talk about! Free tickets to the Women’s FA Cup at Wembley I married a West Ham supporter for my sins. In the 10 years that we’ve been together, I’ve sat through […]

  • 6 Tips for Students to Write a Letter for Financial Assistance

    Writing a letter for financial assistance is hard for students because there are no guidelines or proven formula given to students. Below, I give a few tips that will help you nail this letter. Come up with a Narrative There is a fine line between a pity party and an inspirational story. If you made […]