
  • How to find the best voucher codes without looking

    Pouch cover

    How many times have you bought something at full price only for a well meaning friend or family member to tell you that you could have used a voucher code they know about to get money off? Frustrating hey?! This is usually me! I have various voucher code websites bookmarked so I can always check for […]

  • Should I write life insurance in to trust?

    Writing will in to trust

    Should you write life insurance in to trust? Ensuring your family’s financial future is something important to plan for. Arranging your life insurance in the best possible way to maximise the benefits for those you leave behind is a vital consideration. I briefly mentioned writing a life insurance policy in to trust in my post […]

  • Halloween at Holkham Hall, Norfolk

    Norfolk is our family’s happy place. One of the things we enjoy the most about holidaying in North Norfolk is the outdoor lifestyle no matter the season – and we happily head up throughout the year not just the summer months. We’ve just had a really great few days up there for half term and […]

  • Do I need life insurance?

    Life insurance for parents

    I had a bit of a health scare earlier in the year. The first time I dropped down unconscious in the middle of the night in the bathroom and then again in the morning, after a day of tests in hospital they couldn’t find anything wrong with me. I was cleared of having had a […]

  • Seasonal maintenance : winterisation check list

    radiator for bleeding as part of winter checklist

    The leaves are falling and the ground is covered in conkers. We’ve had our heating on for a few weeks now and whilst my husband is moaning it’s like a sauna, I am nice and toasty! Though there are many places in the home where heat can escape and cold air can enter, windows are […]