
  • ‘The Woman I’m Becoming’ For International Women’s Day

    the woman im becoming

    I love the buzz of International Women’s Day each year. When I wrote my open letter to my daughter’s last year, never could I have imagined what this International Women’s Day one year later would bring. I am sat here now a co-author of an inspirational book! And my daughters are so proud of me. […]

  • Sample post divides into columns

    Liquorice pastry gingerbread gingerbread tiramisu. Bear claw sesame snaps candy chocolate bar candy pudding carrot cake tootsie roll bear claw. Marshmallow chocolate cake ice cream donut muffin. Chupa chups danish lemon drops faworki biscuit wypas halvah. Faworki oat cake gingerbread pastry apple pie wafer caramels. Wypas sweet croissant lollipop. Cotton candy gummi bears powder brownie […]

  • How Much Should I Be Saving In To My Pension?

    How Much Should I Be Saving In To My Pension?

    As with all investments capital is at risk and the value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount originally invested. How much should I be saving in to my pension? This question is a bit of a ‘how long is […]

  • 10 Free Museums To Visit With The Kids


    With half term just around the corner, parents all around the country will be looking out for things to do with their children to keep them amused. With some insights and fabulous reviews from others, I’ve pulled together a quick list of some great FREE museums around the country; check them out and do let […]

  • Five Free Half Term Activities

    free half term activities

    I hope everyone is set for a great week with the kids this week. We have lots of fun things planned with a stay from the grandparents, catching up with friends and just enjoying not having to get up with an alarm on our days off! For a little bit of a twist of this […]